Yesterday was Day-5 of my Chase protest Chase Bank in West Hills California. It was the second day in a row that car horns could be heard after viewing my signs. The car horns came every few minutes. I think the car horns escalate in the coming weeks as more and more people begin to actually see their credit card statements and their "life of the loan" low interest rates have actually been violated and changed by Chase, and Citibank, and Bank of America, and on down the line.
Approximately 20-25 cars honked their disapproval of Chase Bank and their approval of my protest against Chase Bank and their banking methods. One couple just yelled out, "They're Evil...." as they drove off.
I picketed from 6:55PM to around 8:00PM. Even though holding two signs at the same time was tiresome, at 7:45pm I had vowed to put in at least one hour a day, so I stayed and continued to protest, and am I glad I did.
About five minutes after checking the time, a car drove by and the person asked why I was protesting. I gave him a very brief recap, and he explained that he had a friend who was very upset with Chase as well. This driver then drove to the next driveway, parked, and walked over to me to explain that a friend of his wanted to a;sp protest against Chase.
Mike called his friend and it looks like the three of us, and maybe a few more, will be carrying on the protest in the future. Mike even took tonights photo. My previous photo, from Day-4, took me 45 minutes to capture because I had nobody help me shoot it. I had to first find an elevated place to carefully rest and position my digital still camera, and then I had 10 seconds to run into the frame and get set.
lol, the third picture actually came out pretty good last night, but I wanted to have one more just so i could have a choice. Thirty five minutes later I had a couple more choices to choose from. Tonight, Mike took two pictures of me, and the entire process took less than two minutes.
Besides taking tonights picture, Mike explained that Chase is trying to buy WAMU for like a penny on the dollar and then launder the difference while also collecting bailout money from the government. It wouldn't surprise me if that was true.
I would like to thank PUMAPAC08 for mentioning DailyPUMA links to this site. Additionally, I would like to thank Cinie for mentioning as well. I would also like to thank Uppity Woman for mentioning the Toxic Asset topic on DailyPUMA
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