Awesome, and yet, how ironic that the Chase Bank Lawsuit file by California Attorney General Kamala D. Harris does not actually assist victims of Chase Bank's no opt out policy after Chase Bank lured over a million excellent credit rating customers into a change in terms on their monthly minimum payment obligation that raised monthly minimum payments from 2% to 5%.
The pattern appears to be this...Banks figure out a way to so screw over their customers that the government comes in and fines them or presses charges on how aggressively they were either marketing or over profiting, while it appears the actual victims sort of get ignored when it comes to legitimate reparations.
This exact same scenario occurred regarding credit-protector insurance (also known as Debt Suspension Insurance) marketing practices and the home foreclosure parallel foreclosure scandal as well. Regarding the Credit Protector / Debt Suspension insurance program, the banks were making such obscene amounts of money that they could not stop themselves from trying to make even more profit.
The Consumer Protection Financial Bureau came in and fined all the credit card companies close to a billion dollars in the summer of 2012. Yet the fines were not based on obscene over charging of american consumers, but rather how aggressively the credit protection program was both marketed and also how difficult it was to quit the program.
In regards to Home Foreclosures, the amount being paid out versus the actual monetary loss to consumers appears to be a pittance and only applies to those who suffered huge losses as a result of a Home Foreclosure.
Attorney General Kamala D. Harris Announces Suit Against JPMorgan Chase for Fraudulent and Unlawful Debt-Collection Practices | State of California - Department of Justice - Kamala D. Harris Attorney General