CLICK ON IMAGE TO ENLARGE. I first arrived to protest at around 5:20 pm and stopped around 6:35pm. The area was so loud with traffic that I probably blended in and either went unnoticed or the news truck personnel just didn't care. At one point I was just 20 or 30 feet away walking along Ventura Blvd when a couple of cars started honking their support at my signs. (Chase Bank, Keep Your Word).
Today was Day-22 of my Chase Bank Protest. I was in Woodland Hills, California by Ventura Blvd. and Topanga Canyon. It is kind of a strange location to protest at. The intersection is very busy. People were looking at my sign and nodding and giving me the thumbs up, but unlike other less busy locations, only a few of these same thumbs up people would also honk their horns.
My theory is that because it is such a busy area motorists are reluctant to use their horn unless a driver is napping when the light turns green.
I also saw a few strange occurrences near and around the intersection of Ventura Blvd and Topanga Canyon. A mobile Dent removal service that shows up on location to fix your car dent. I asked to take a picture of them fixing the car dent for this blog report but they politely refused.
Can you imagine being the guy that runs over a person, then calls a service that will come out and fix the evidence in daylight in a busy parking lot! Anyways, I didn't take any pictures nor do I remember the name of the service, but I am surprised a "service" like that probably goes unregulated. yeesh. Nice, polite people however and I have no idea whose car they were taking the dent out.
I also saw a very funny scene that I embellished into a beer commercial script. Too bad I don't believe in beer commercial advertising. Oh well. And then there was the KNBC News Truck pictured above.
However, I'm not a pirate, don't know Obama's puppy, am not the craigslist killer, nor am I protesting taxes. I am protesting Chase Bank and the credit card industries horrible credit card practices.
Over the past month I have noticed a ton of Chase Bank commercials all over the dial in Southern California, so I'm not holding my breathe for publicity from the same channels that are profiting handsomely from Chase Bank commercials running on their stations. I later googled to see if I could find out why KNBC was there, but I could not find any related story for that particular location.
I don't think I picked up very many hits today from my protesting, much less than some of the other locations I have picketed at lately. Even the people that honked and nodded and thumbs upped me didn't look like they understood they could support this site by bookmarking it, visiting often, and spreading the word.
I'll probably go elsewhere tomorrow for my one hour daily protest.
I am rooting for you! I hope that you got my note yesterday! I saw you at the Woodland Hills location. I spent the better part of my night writing everyone from CA's very own Arnold, Barney Frank to some of the very consumer protection sites you have listed. I am also on a mission to tell 3 friends everyday about how "CHASE is a FLEECING OF AMERICA!" I tweet, I facebook, I myspace, I tell!!
Hi Nicole, yes I did get your message yesterday. It made my day and actually changed the outcome of how I perceived yesterday went.
At firstI thought I did not get many hits on my website from protesting the Chase Bank at Ventura and Topanga Canyon because of the wideness of the roads and the congestion, but you singlehandedly turned the tide as I have now started getting facebook hits courtesy of you.
People were responding to me when I protested at Ventura and Topanga Canyon, but the congestion makes it harder for them to understand that I need their hits on
Today people started coming up to me and talking and asking questions. lol, I used my really big sign that can be read from 100 feet away, makes a big difference.
I think people don't realize that it is possible to to beat back the credit card industry when they do really really obviously wrong and bad things.
Hi Alessandro... do you have a Facebook fan/group page for your Daily Protest? I couldn't find one...Thanks!
Hi Barbara, I don't think I do. I don't know how to do one but I suppose they have simplified the process so even I can figure out it.
Thanks for the suggestion!
I guess I don't know how to do a facebook fan page. I posted photos of my protests on my facebook page, but I don't know how to create a fan/group.
I bet its real easy.
Forget peaceful protesting.On Halloween,we should all throw a brick through the windows of our local branch office with the disputed amount written on the brick.
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