Thanks to Destiny for taking the above photo of me.
12051 Ventura Blvd in Studio City is a very busy place. A lot of people go by this Chase Bank location and at on point the Daily-Protest stat counter found 21 out of 22 Daily-Protest hits were from California, (no addresses are listed by the stat counter, just cities), clearly people are interested in what Chase Bank is up to here in California. At least 8 of the hits were from I-Phones, perhaps the passengers in the cars are actually taking a moment to check out right then and there.
With each passing day, as more and more people receive their Chase statements with the 250% increase in the monthly minimum, awareness of what the banks are doing will only grow. The more hits this blog receives, the more Chase will become aware of the hornets next they themselves started.
The more people that join my protest, the more likely that Chase will back down. It would take nothing more than a daily vigil in which people protest in one hour shifts at one Chase Bank, to make a lasting difference and reversal to what Chase has already done.
Besides myself, there were a couple of dozen protestors, all protesting different causes. Apparently a newstruck came out prior to my arrival and decided to label the entire protest "Republican". My personal belief is that my protest will protect democrats, republicans, independents and greens.
I believe the April 15th nationwide protests should not focus on our president but rather focus on how the banks are trying to earn back their losses much too quickly and in the process are harming hundreds of thousands of trustworthy americans.
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48 minutes ago
I see.
alessandro, you are a hero!
(take a hike, Jennifer!)
"Jennifer" has like 14,000 hits on her profile in one month. Thanks for the comment, whomever you are.
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