I spent from 2:30am to 7:00am resizing my Daily-Protest.com Blog. I first spent a couple of hours meticulously strategizing the proper width of each column and the middle column as well. I then had to resize every photo in the main column and in the far left column as well.
Should I really say I did not protest today when I spent five hours making this blog more presentable for those who check it out?
I also spent the afternoon caretaking our 13 year old shitszu. My time was spent cleaning her eyes, trimming back the hair from in front of her eyes, then a really long bath. I don't do the pour water over the dog routine. I actually keep our dog in a metal tub with lukewarm water so she is immersed completely except for her back and head.
She actually looks pretty good right now. However, within a day or two the itching will start again, followed by the bleeding. I hope she isn't suffering.
Doesn't she look good right now for 13 x 7 years, which equals 91 in human years. Kind of odd how I am leading a credit card revolution but I have to take time out for our dog. I also reinforced my Chase, Keep Your Word sign. It is really large and has developed some creases that make the sign bend in two whenever the wind blows.
So today was a reload day, hopefully tomorrow will be an on the street Chase Bank protest day.