Is it really OK that celebrities, probably influenced by their own financial planners and investment advisors, keep their mouths shut about how awful the credit card companies are punishing the people of the world by raising credit card interest rates to economically lethal levels?
Is it really acceptable that no one in the media seems bent on taking on the credit card companies and crediting them with the continued economic contraction of our economy?
Is it really acceptable for local governments to want to be the credit card companies best friend even as they see these very same financial institutions vacuum sealing local economies and drying up normal local, state and federal revenue streams as a result of their 30% interest rates?
When will Wall Street realize that even their own investors have given up investing as they instead pay a 30% never ending monthly maintenance interest fee charge on their existing credit card debt?
When will local, state and federal governments, Politicians, Wall Street Investors the Media and Celebrities begin to turn against each other as they realize that the more the consumer is pinched, so too are they being pinched in the form of less consumer revenue going towards them?
When will you start telling anybody who wants your money that it is going to the credit card companies and their ridiculous interest rates. The next time ANY SALESPERSON CALLS, just tell them, sorry, the credit card companies take all my spending money every paycheck.
When will Oprah Winfrey be called out for giving millions of free KFC Chicken Grill Coupons to her "minions" while ignoring the absolutely unnecessary devastation that Chase bank and other credit card companies are causing to the very same people. Free Chicken Dinners Oprah, while people lose their homes and wealth over usurious credit card interest rates? Huh, is that the best you can do?
What is the best we can do in the meantime? I'd love to hear from you in the comments section.